
Showing posts from October, 2007

Book challenge diary - Vanhat haasteet

I have participated in these challenges: SF haaste itselleni - Science Fiction challenge for myself - cancelled, haven't proceeded within couple of years with this book list; maybe try this later with another set of scifi books Lukemisen aakkoset -haaste (Sukunimen mukaan) 15.8.2011-15.8.2012 Omat kirjat ( myrtillus ) - officially unfinished before deadline; but unofficially succeeded, last book finished two days after deadline. 2011 sivua -haaste (31.12.2011 mennessä) Omat sivut ( lii5a ) - unfinished Lue ja vapauta 15 kirjaa: Maita ja maanosia 30.4.2011 asti (villejä vapautuksia väh. 8) Omat maat ja maanosat ( Tarna ) - unfinished Laskuräpäkki -haaste 30.9.2010 asti Omat laskut (72) ( Alejanda ) - unfinished PRKL-haaste 31.7.2010 (kontrolloidut vapautukset) Omat PRKL:eet ( Ruzena ) Lue ja Kirjoita: Lukihaaste ( VariC ) - 1) 10.11.2009, 2) 11.12.2009, 3) 3.1.2010, 4) 13.1.2010, 5) 21.1.2010, 6) 14.2.2010, 7)26.3.2010, 8) 26.3.2010 Nobel Prize Author challenge (2007 onw...

Random Acts of BookCrossing Kindness 2007

I'm keeping this list to remember how much kindness I've already received. And to keep constantly in mind, what I can do myself to make others as happy as I am. Thank you for everyone! **Try to keep this up-to-date. Sorry if I've forgotten to list some.** 2007 Book sendings - Kirjalähetyksiä · Sent books to: Finland, Czech Republic, India, USA(Florida), Germany, U.K., France, Norway · Received books from: Finland, Canada(Alberta), Sweden, Czech Republic, U.K., Australia, France, USA(Texas), Portugal, Canada(BC), Germany, USA(Utah) Received RABCKs: · The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide; Douglas Adams - from Sobergirl, Finland (Was on BC-wishlist) · Bel Canto; Ann Patchett - from Jinglefish, U.K. · 1) Judas Mandala; Damien Broderick , 2) The deep end: Talking about believing and not believing; Maria Zijlstra - from Mozette, Australia · 1) Kite runner; Khaled Hosseini , 2) A Thousand splendid suns; Khaled Hosseini - from Sobergirl, Finland · 84 Charing Cr...