Ring&ray diary - Rinkipäiväkirja
Rings, rays etc. books that have visited me: Bookrings and bookrays 92) 3096 pävää; Natascha Kampusch( Ray ) ( lottuli ) - Received 17.3.2012 - Sent out 12.4.2012 2012 Cloth Girl; Marilyn Howard Mills ( Ray ) Ghana-book ( thy ) - Received 5.3.2008 - Not forwarded yet 91) Good to a Fault; Marina Endicott ( International ring ) ( Kimmi ) Received 5.12.2010 - Wild released 13.9.2011 90) Verkostoituneet kirjatoukat; Eija Isoviita (Gradu) ( Kemppu ) - Received 12.8.2010 - Forwarded 10.11.2010 89) Paluu Viidakkoon; Sabine Kuegler ( Rita80 ) - Received 4.8.2010 - Sent out 18.8.2010 The Neverending Story; Michael Ende ( International ray ) ( Leseschaf ) - Stalled 88) The rights of the reader; Daniel Pennac ( hakkalina ) - Received 12.3.2010 - Sent out 6.4.2010 87) Autiomaa; J.M.G. Le Clézio ( Pellu ) - Received 24.2.2010 - Sent out 29.3.2010 86) Viidakkolapsi; Sabine Kuegler ( Säde ) ( Lottuli ) - Received 18.3.2010 - Forwarded 27.3.2010 85) The Tipping Point: How Little Thi...