Ring&ray diary - Rinkipäiväkirja


Rings, rays etc. books that have visited me:

Bookrings and bookrays

92) 3096 pävää; Natascha Kampusch(Ray) (lottuli) - Received 17.3.2012 - Sent out 12.4.2012

Cloth Girl; Marilyn Howard Mills (Ray) Ghana-book (thy) - Received 5.3.2008 - Not forwarded yet

91) Good to a Fault; Marina Endicott (International ring) (Kimmi)
Received 5.12.2010 - Wild released 13.9.2011

90) Verkostoituneet kirjatoukat; Eija Isoviita (Gradu) (Kemppu) - Received 12.8.2010 - Forwarded 10.11.2010
89) Paluu Viidakkoon; Sabine Kuegler (Rita80) - Received 4.8.2010 - Sent out 18.8.2010

The Neverending Story; Michael Ende (International ray) (Leseschaf) - Stalled
88) The rights of the reader; Daniel Pennac (hakkalina) - Received 12.3.2010 - Sent out 6.4.2010
87) Autiomaa; J.M.G. Le Clézio (Pellu) - Received 24.2.2010 - Sent out 29.3.2010
86) Viidakkolapsi; Sabine Kuegler (Säde) (Lottuli) - Received 18.3.2010 - Forwarded 27.3.2010
85) The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference; Malcolm Cladwell (midwinter) - Received 9.12.2009 - Sent out 22.1.2010

84) Sydäneläin; Herta Müller (Tarna) - Received 21.10.2009 - Sent out 20.11.2009
83) Last Chance to See ...; Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine (International ray) (allbookedup) - Received 24.6.2008 - Staying in PC
A Traveller's Tale of Peru; Inca Kola Peru-book (Annelis) - Received 27.2.2009 - Forwarded 21.9.2009 - Unfinished
Huomenna meidät ja perheemme tapetaan; Philip Gourevitch (Säde) Rwanda-book (dotdot) - Received 17.9.2008 - Forwarded 21.9.2009 - Unfinished
One Hundred Years of Solitude; Gabriel Garcia Marquez ( European ring) Columbia-book (Sobergirl) - Received 29.2.2008 - Forwarded 22.10.2009 - Unfinished
82) Journal d'une bonne; Dissiramma Boutora-Takpa (International ring) Togo-book (mop1) - Received 25.7.2009 - Sent out 21.9.2009
Davita's Harp; Chaim Potok (International ring) (Potok-fan) Stalled

81) L'Ile du bout des rêves; Louis-Philippe Dalembert (International ring) Haiti-book (bilbi) - Received 30.9.2008 - Sent out 30.4.2009
Surprise bookring (International) (cat02886) - Received 17.3.2009 - Sent out 26.3.2009
80) Yoga School Dropout; Lucy Edge (thy) - Received 19.1.2009 - Sent out 26.3.2009
79) 26a; Diana Evans (AgdaAgulina) - Received 16.5.2008 - Sent out 13.3.2009
Water for Elephants; Sara Gruen (International ring) (Dusties) - Skipped 02/2009
78) Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit; Jeanette Winterson (seethroughfaith) - Received 9.1.2009 - Forwarded 31.1.2009 - unfinished
77) Surprise bookring (International) Surprise bookring (christina82) - after me on list: franaloe, Netherlands - Received my book 5.12.2008 - To be sent out after Xmas, 7.1.2009
76) Bookcrossaajien lintukirja; Suomalaiset bookcrossaajat (myrtillus ex. onniManni) - Received 9.10.2008 - To be sent out after Xmas, 7.1.2009

75) Lumoavien mausteiden kahvila; Marsha Mehran (Rita80) - Received 20.11.2008 - Sent out 17.12.2008
74) Neitsythäkki; Ayaan Hirsi Ali (Perdue) - Received 5.11.2008 - Sent out 20.11.2008
73) Issan laakso; Czeslaw Milosz (dotdot) - Received 27.9.2008 - Sent out 12.11.2008
72) A Valley in the Midst of Violence: Selected Poems, 1955-85; Gösta Ågren (hippolein) - Received 2.10.2008 - Sent out 12.11.2008
71) Asleep; Banana Yoshimoto, translated by Michael Emmerich (International ray) (SqueakyChu) - Received 7.10.2008 - Forwarded 31.10.2008
70) Pieni hiljainen mies; Vesa Ämmälä (Pellu) - Received 27.10.2008 - Sent out 30.10.2008
69) Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace...One School at a Time; Greg Mortenson, David Oliver Relin (International ring) Pakistan-book (Wandering-B) - Received 17.9.2008 - Sent out 27.10.2008
68) Helvetissä on erityinen paikka naisille, jotka eivät auta toisiaan; Liza Marklund, Lotta Snickare (CandyDarling) - Received 8.10.2008 - Sent out 27.10.2008
67) The thirteenth tale; Diane Setterfield (Ipsu) - Received 22.8.2008 - Sent out 7.10.2008
Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Fight Terrorism and Build Nations...One School at a Time; Greg Mortenson, David Oliver Relin (International ray) (lovestoreadinFL) - Asked to be dropped 18.9.2008, as another copy on my shelf
66) Illalla pelataan Afrikan tähteä; Merete Mazzarella (lukutuoli) - Received 26.8.2008 - Sent out 10.9.2008
65) Tuulen varjo (kuvitettu laitos); Carlos Ruiz Zafón Spain-book (Margih) - Received 12.5.2008 - Forwarded 17.9.2008
Why She Left Us; Rahna Reiko Rizzuto (International ring) (cat207) - Asked to be skipped 27.8.2008
Le passé simple; Driss Chraïbi (International ring) Morocco-book (emi-lie) - Received 10.3.2008 - Forwarded unfinished 26.8.2008
Sky Burial; Xinran (International ray) Tibet-book (therubycanary) own copy received when #8 at queue
64) Museon Kulisseissa; Kate Atkinson (Chirel) - Received 7.6.2008 - Forwarded 16.8.2008
63) Out stealing horses; Per Petterson (International ring) (Haugtussa) - Received 30.6.2008 - Forwarded 4.8.2008
62) How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents; Julia Alvarez (International ray) (Gealach) - Received 13.5.2008 - Released 29.6.2008
61) Lumikko ja yhdeksän muuta; Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläinen (Chirel) - Received 13.6.2008 - Sent out 30.6.2008
60) Sähköpostia Sambiasta; Miika Neulaniemi (Säde) (Myntti) - Received 7.6.2008 - Forwarded 23.6.2008
59) The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time; Mark Haddon (halonhakkaaja) - Received 12.5.2008 - Sent out 30.6.2008
58) The Sleeping Buddha. The Story of Afghanistan Through the Eyes of One Family (ruzena) - Received 28.4.2008 - Forwarded 7.6.2008
57) Vadelmavenepakolainen; Miika Nousiainen (Piiku) - Received 5.5.2008 - Forwarded 27.5.2008
56) The Amnesia Clinic; James Scudamore Ecuador-book (thy) - Received 5.12.2007 - Forwarded 7.6.2008
55) Tanssiaiset; Irène Némirovsky (ruzena) - Received 6.5.2008 - Sent out 12.5.2008
54) Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl; Harriet Jacobs (International ray) (Gealach) - Received 19.3.2008 - Sent out 12.5.2008
53) Sunnuntaikirjeitä Suomesta - Courrier de Finlande; Philippe Guicheteau (Ahava) - Received 17.4.2008 - Sent out 5.5.2008
52) Auringon asema; Ranya ElRamly Egypt-book (Rita80) - Received 9.4.2008 - Sent out 23.4.2008
51) Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson; Mitch Albom (International ray) (snowy652) - Received 14.4.2008 - Sent out 21.4.2008
50) Me varpusenpojat; Jordan Raditskov (Säde) (Alejanda) - Received 18.1.2008 - Released 2.5.2008
49) The Secret Life of Bees; Sue Monk Kidd (seethroughfaith) - Received 10.1.2008 - To be returned 19.4.2008
48) In the Country of Men; Hisham Matar (International ring) Libya-book (Fifna) - Received 10.4.2008 - Sent out 15.4.2008
47) Ihmisen vaatteissa; Leena Krohn (halonhakkaaja) - Received 4.4.2008 - Sent out 7.4.2008
46) Jolo - 140 päivää panttivankeina viidakossa; Risto Vahanen, Seppo Fränti Phillippine-book (lottuli) - Received 18.3.2008 - Sent out 3.4.2008
45) Foreign Devil; Wang Ping (International ray) (GorgeousGlo) - Received 10.3.2008 - Sent out 18.3.2008
44) Baby Jane; Sofi Oksanen (Säde) (Niksu) - Received 5.3.2008 - Sent out 12.3.2008
43) Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress; Sijie Dai (International ring) (GorgeousGlo) - Received 29.2.2008 - Sent out 12.3.2008
42) Waiting to Exhale; Terry McMillan (International ray) (Bookworm-lady) - Received 22.2.2008 - Sent out 6.3.2008
41) Eebenpuu; Ryszard Kapuściński (cazfi) - Received 14.2.2008 - Sent out 3.3.2008
Interpreter of Maladies; Jhumpa Lahiri (International ring) (gaysocialworker) Seems to be cancelled
40) World without End; Ken Follet (Turku ring) (Sobergirl) - Received 19.1.2008 - Forwarded 16.2.2008
39) Minuuttinovelleja; István Örkény (ruzena) - Received 24.1.2008 - Forwarded 4.2.2008
38) The Namesake; Jhumpa Lahiri (International ring) (rapturina) - Received 7.1.2008 - Forwarded 7.2.2008
37) African Tales: Folklore of the Central African Republic; Polly Strong (International ring) (hobbit) - Received 15.1.2008 - Forwarded 28.1.2008
36) Stevenson Under the Palm Trees; Alberto Manguel ( Scandinavian ray) (Annelis) - Received 19.1.2008 - Forwarded 28.1.2008
35) House of Orphans; Helen Dunmore (seethroughfaith) - Received 10.1.2008 - Forwarded 24.1.2008
34) A Yellow Raft in Blue Water; Michael Dorris (International ray) (SqueakyChu) - Received 2.1.2008 - Sent out 21.1.2008
33) The Mind, a Torch: An Anthology of Experiences and Expressions; Donna Edwards (Ray) (katyan) - Received 20.12.2007 - Sent out 8.1.2008
32) Desert Dawn; Waris Dirie (International ray) (OpheliaPhillips) - Received 4.12.2007 - Sent out 3.1.2008
31) Die Schachspielerin; Bertina Henrichs (International ring) and co-book Süßapfel rot. Gedichte; Ulla Hahn (Abendwoelkchen) - Received 4.10.2007 - Sent out 3.1.2008

30) Nimbus ja tähdet; Tero Niemi, Anne Salminen (Säde) (Niora) - Received 21.8.2007 - Sent out 12.12.2007
29) Fup; Jim Dodge (onniManni) - Received 6.11.2007 - Sent out 12.12.2007
28) Flyttfåglar; Marianne Fredriksson (halonhakkaaja) - Received 9.10.2007 - Forwarded 30.11.2007
27) Prinsessa: Elämä hunnun takana Al-Saudin palatsissa; Jean P. Sasson (Säde) (Savotar) - Received 5.11.2007 - Forwarded 30.11.2007
26) Pirattitude! So you Wanna Be a Pirate? Here's How!; John Baur, Mark Summers (European ring) (Niora) - Received 12.11.2007 - Sent out 23.11.2007
25) The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories; Tim Burton (Niora) - Received 6.11.2007 - Sent out 13.11.2007
24) The Zigzag Way; Anita Desai (ruzena) - Received 26.10.2007 - Sent out 13.11.2007
23) Mariquita: A Tragedy of Guam; Chris Perez Howard (Ray) (katyan) - Received 24.10.2007 - Sent out 13.11.2007
22) Aution saaren unelma; Lucy Irvine (halonhakkaaja) - Received 10.10.2007 - Sent out 13.11.2007
21) Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them; J.K. Rowling (SinER) - Received 17.10.2007 - Sent out 13.11.2007
20) Quidditch Through the Ages; J.K. Rowling (SinER) - Received 5.10.2007 - Sent out 13.11.2007
19) Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close; Jonathan Safran Foer (lukutuoli) - Received 9.10.2007 - Forwarded 2.11.2007
18) Agentti Appelsiini (Käännöskukkasten parhaita 2); Jouni Paakkinen (toim.) (Niora) - Received 9.10.2007 - Sent out 15.10.2007
17) Mistään kotoisin; Marjaneh Bakhtiari (lukutuoli) - Received 1.10.2007 - Forwarded 12.10.2007
16) Green grass, Running Water; Thomas King (International ring) (realkiku) - Received 14.9.2007 - Sent out 9.10.2007
15) Q's Legacy; Helene Hanff (Niora) - Received 20.9.2007 - Sent out 8.10.2007
14) Pojan kuolema; Veikko Huovinen (marja-leena) - Received 1.10.1007 - Sent out 4.10.2007
13) Atonement; Ian McEwan (Sobergirl) - Received 25.9.2007 - Sent out 4.10.2007
12) Le Voyage de Slaboulgoum; Leclercq Pierre-Robert (International ray) (Random-Poet) - Received 7.9.2007 - Sent out 14.9.2007
11) The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street; Helene Hanff (Niora) - Received 3.9.2007 - Sent out 12.9.2007
10) Kätketyt kasvot; Latifa, Chékéba Hachem (ruzena) - Received 28.8.2007 - Sent out 12.9.2007
9) Sucka mitt hjärta men brist dock ej; Mark Levengood (Nordisk stråle) (Sobergirl)- Received 27.8.2007 - Forwarded 28.8.2007
8) Paperitalo; Carlos María Domínguez (Tintti) - Received 14.8.2007 - Sent out 21.8.2007
7) Anthills of the Savannah; Chinua Achebe & Chinua Achebe sadunkertojana (ruzena) - Received 9.7.2007 - Sent out 31.7.2007
6) Lizard; Banana Yoshimoto (AgdaAgulina) - Received 18.6.07 - Sent out 6.7.2007
5) Reseptikirja-rinki (lukutuoli) - Received 26.4.2007 - Sent out 8.5.2007
4) Mangot, banaanit ja kookospähkinät; Himilce Novas (chirel) - Received 19.4.2007 - Sent out 14.5.2007
3) Sarasvatin hiekkaa; Risto Isomäki (aelina) - Received 23.4.2007 - Sent out 7.5.2007
2) Smartville; Jussi Siirilä (candydarling) -> Received 12.3.2007 - Sent out 10.4.2007.
1) A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian; Marina Lewycka (ruzena) -> Received 26.2.2007 - Sent out 12.3.2007.

BookXerpts and Bookboxes
9) ARVOITUSARKKU VI ("bookXerpting") (lottuli) - Received 17.8.2009 - Forwarded 24.8.2009
· Tarjotut: AspenYard-5 (was in Arvoitusarkku V), AspenYard-1 (picked finally from Arvoitusarkku VII), AspenYard-2, AspenYard-3
· Valitut: miumaumou-3, Savotar-1, Savotar-2

8) Katta i säcken ("scandinavian bookXerpting") (Alvhyttan) Lost 04/2009

7) ARVOITUSARKKU V ("bookXerpting") (lottuli) - Received 20.1.2009 - To be forwarded 31.1.2009
· Tarjotut: Aspen-2 (was in Arvoitusarkku IV), Aspen-1, Aspen-2, Aspen-3, Aspen-4, Aspen-5
· Valitut: Bookgeo-2, Nadezda-1, sElfslayer, lottuli-5

6) Runoratsu 2008 ("bookXerpting") (JonAsp) - Received 6.11.2008 - Sent out 12.11.2008
· Tarjotut: Aspen-1, Aspen-2, Aspen-3
· Valitut: JonAsp-10, ruzena-5, ruzena-6

5) ARVOITUSARKKU IV ("bookXerpting") (lottuli) - Received 12.5.2008 - Sent out 20.5.2008
· Tarjotut: Aspen-1, Aspen-2(available in Arvoitusarkku V))
· Valitut: Annelis-2, hippolein-3

4) Salasaparot ("bookXerpting") (Piiku) - Received 5.3.3008 - Sent out 6.3.2008
· Tarjotut: Aspen-1, Aspen-2, Aspen-3, Aspen-4, Aspen-5, Aspen-6
· Valitut: Annelis-4, Piiku-16, thy-2

3) Käsilaukku 2008 ("bookXerpting") (Savotar) - Received 4.3.2008 - Sent out 6.3.2008
· Tarjotut: Aspen-1, Aspen-2, Aspen-3, Aspen-4, Aspen-5, Aspen-6
· Valitut: Chania-4, Annelis-1, kiksu-2, Alejanda-4, lottuli-4

2) BC sikasäkki, toinen kierros ("bookXerpting") (Piiku) - Received 10.7.2007 - Sent out 11.7.2007
· Possuni: Aspen72-1, Aspen72-2 (withdrawn), Aspen72-3, Aspen72-4, Aspen72-5
· Valitsemani: Annelis-2, Annelis-4, Annelis-5, Piiku-6, Louhi-1

1) BC-sikasäkki, ("bookXerpting") (Piiku) - Received 17.2.2007 - Sent out 19.2.2007.
· Possuni: Aspen72-1, Aspen72-2 (withdrawn), Aspen72-3, Aspen72-4, Aspen72-5
· Valitsemani: Semming-1, em64-1, em64-2, Piiku-9, Piiku-14

Rings and Rays started by me

The BAMBERG AFFAIR in THE ALL; William S. Beigh - Started 7.6.2008
Au bonheur des ogres; Daniel Pennac - Started 12.5.2008

Yliopistonaisen rakkaudet; Lea Huuhtanen (omakustanne) Started 7.5.2009 Completed
Viimeinen keisari; Pu Ji - Started 31.1.2008 Completed (To be released)
N.P.; Banana Yoshimoto - Started 18.4.2008 Completed (Forwarded)
Sky Burial; Xinran (Ray) - Started 8.9.2008 Completed
Minä Safiya, nigerialaisen naisen tarina; Safiya Hussaini Tungar Tudu, Raffaele Masto (Säde) - Started 24.8.2007 Completed (Released)
Kunnian kentät; Kari Levola (Säde) Released
Meren selkä taittuu; Auli Irjala Available for loaning
Äiti ratissa; Lise Nørgaard - Started 30.11.2007 - Back 6.3.2008 Completed (Released)
Moccasin Thunder : American Indian Stories for Today *ARC*; Lori Marie Carlson (ring) - Started 21.8.2007 - Back 13.11.2007 Completed
Vanuatu - Black Stone; Grace Meza Molisa (ray) - Started 5.8.2007 Completed


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